How will Web 3.0 impact Digital Marketing?

If we go back in time we can see that businesses have always relied on a mix of advertising, public relations and direct marketing in order to create awareness for their products and services they provide. However, with the arrival of Web 3.0 (you can read more about it here), the digital landscape has changed dramatically.

We all know about third-party cookies, and all controversy about them, but they will soon be removed from leading web browsers, making it a bit more difficult for B2B (Business-to-business) marketers to target specific audiences. This is happening because these cookies are used to collect data about people’s online behaviors. The information gathered is used for targeted advertising and other marketing purposes. Without this data, we marketers will have a harder time understanding audiences and delivering relevant content.

How will Web 3.0 transform digital marketing?

Web 3.0 is completely changing the digital marketing industry with its blockchain technologies, transparency, and data privacy.

It also gives marketers various opportunities to build customer trust and connections. User generated content data ownership and decentralized resources are substantials of these opportunities.

Here are just a few of the things to look out for:

  • Digital marketing will be open to user-generated (UGC) content
  • The users will own their data and keep their privacy
  • Virtual communities will step forth
  • Advanced experiences will be substantial
  • Digital marketing should use dApps (decentralized apps)
  • Artificial intelligence and the semantic web will takeover
Digital marketing will be open to user - generated content
In Web 3.0, user-generated content becomes more and more valuable. Users are essential in this version due to virtual currencies, ownership of their content, and shared positions on platforms.
So, digital marketing will have to transform itself according to this new situation. This web version enables users to create their networks with any kind of device. Therefore, digital marketing should use this opportunity and integrate the users as content creators into the game to reach more customers.
Giving more credit to user-generated content will establish a trusting and authentic relationship between the marketers and their target customers.
The Users Will Own Their Data and Keep Their Privacy
It is a fact that the users will be more autonomous in Web 3.0. The ownership of personal data will be on the user, and they will have the right to sell or trade it.
Which way the marketers collect and store users’ data has to change considering these conditions. Besides, the targeting and personalization will also be affected by the privacy regulations.
As marketers get familiar with blockchain technologies, they also need to find solutions to get data from the users without violating consumer privacy.
Virtual Communities Will Step Forth
Web 3.0 focuses on the interaction between the users, and it advances the connection. Therefore, virtual communities will be more significant as the communication and interaction between individuals enhance.
It is crucial for digital marketing to be present in these communities. The marketers should enter the channels to reach these virtual communities and access their customers.
Also, they should benefit from artificial intelligence and machine learning to analyze the patterns of these communities.
Advanced Experiences Will Be Substantial
In the age of Web 3.0, digital marketing has to focus on advanced user experiences like interactivity and 3D experiences because the user experience is the most crucial feature of this new world.

The customers want to have unforgettable and impressive experiences. So digital marketing
should offer them this experience through virtual and augmented reality and Metaverse. Virtual experiences will connect the customers to the brand and bring the brand a step forward in the
digital marketing industry.

So, what will differentiate your brand will be the immersive and advanced user experience in Web 3.0.
Discover more about digital marketing and Metaverse.
Digital Marketing Should Use dApps

Digital marketing should embrace dApps instead of apps in Web 3.0.

Since the centralized data collection methods will be far away with Web 3.0, the marketers must focus on creating decentralized applications based on blockchain technologies. dApps enable marketers to protect user privacy, avoid censorship, and have unlimited development opportunities.

Namely, one of the significant transformations in digital marketing will be dApps.
Artificial Intelligence and the Semantic Web Will Takeover
Web 3 and digital marketing (2) - Finger of the AI hand
Web 3.0 will direct digital marketing to use artificial intelligence and the semantic web effectively in a wide area. Marketers will need to use open data sources through artificial intelligence algorithms to target audiences since third-party cookies will not be available.
Consequently, digital marketing will create more consistent and personalized content for its consumers through these algorithms.
Additionally, the semantic web helps digital marketing to move in a broad perspective. For example, using a semantic approach, creating content based on an entire topic with details will catch the users’ search. Thereby the marketers can understand consumer behaviors better and develop strategies.
We are marching toward a future where people have absolute power and control over their data and privacy. Expanding impact of the blockchain system, artificial intelligence, machine learning, the semantic web, and virtual reality technologies lead us on this journey.
In the end all we can say is that you should prepare and learn all there is to know about Web 3.0 , and when the time comes you are ready to take over the charge!